Laughing Buddha

One look at him and you will want to smile. He radiates warmth and exudes happiness. I am talking about the laughing buddha. This big guy above, sitting happily on a shelf, at our office, got me thinking. Suddenly a curiosity set in, to know why he is called so. A bit of research revealed that he is wrongly associated with Gautham Buddha. He is infact the Budai not Buddha- a Zen monk believed to be a person having extraordinary happiness, patience and compassion. He is supposed to have the stomach to take in all troubles and bad luck and transform them into happiness. One gifts a laughing buddha to someone in the hope that it will bring prosperity and good luck to the receiver.

So what lessons have we to learn from him?

1) To keep smiling- always!

2) To convert all misfortunes that come our way into something positive (it is atleast a lesson for future, I guess)

3) To be looked at as a person who spreads positivity and good vibes

4) Last but not the least, the fact that we could all do with some good luck!!


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