Hope- the anchor of life

What is hope?
It's the fresh air that breezes past on a gloomy day.
It's the drops of rain that cleanse the soul.
It's the birth of a child promising new life.
It's the sunrise orange that paints the early morning sky.
It's the smile of contentment on the face of a dying person.
It's the warm hug from a loved one.
It's the hand that reaches out to you in the dark to guide the way.
It's God answering all your prayers in his signature style.
It's a hen tied to a rope, waiting to be slaughtered but not giving up on the struggle to live.
It's the trust with which you dive from the sky knowing the rope will not give in.
It's saying "I will see you around" or "Talk to you in the morning".
It's saving a piece of the cake to eat the next day.
It's grabbing a tiny piece of rock to climb ahead, the mighty mountain.


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