Lost in the crowd
It's so easy to get lost in the crowd. Anonymity is the best disguise. When you fade into oblivion you realize just how big the world around is. So how easy is it to make a difference then? To leave a mark of your own? It is obviously easier to follow foot prints and take the treaded path. However, it takes great courage and conviction to discover new places, to go where no one has. Most of us just exist. We come, do what we are expected to and leave. I really admire those who choose to move away from the ordinary, who find that "extra" in the ordinary, to put it correctly. It's so inspiring to learn about such people. Their grit and focus bear testimonials to the undying human spirit. It also makes me feel that it is not so difficult after all. But the truth is it's anything but easy. We all come with our share of brains and genius. It's only some of us who recognize that this exists in us and use it for the good. I often wonder if I have it in me too. I mean it doesn't seem unachievable and impossible. It's just that what I think is achievable and possible and the standards that I set for myself determine it all. If I am happy with mediocracy it becomes my point of saturation. When I raise the bars, I set new standards. So now, I can chose to revel in mediocre or I can chose to excel.
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