Venting it out

Is it good to vent out your thoughts? Is it good to vent out your anger, your frustration and other such overpowering emotions? For me it's always never worked at the first instance. What I am mean is, the first time I let it out, it just vanishes into thin air, it disappears- like would an echo in the woods or a stone thrown in the river. They both create a tiny ripple that has no purpose, no sustainability, only to end in nothingness. Does it happen to everyone? How many of us are fortunate to have our emotions acknowledged? To be made to feel that it's OK to be insane once in a while? I think it works like a pressure cooker. The pressure goes on building until it's time to let out the steam. So also with me. I say it once, I try saying it again and then I just explode. Waiting to be heard, waiting to be told I am not alone. Do punching bags and stress busters really work? Can you get so angry that all the heat from it melts you into tears? I have seen that happen to me. It's something which is difficult to explain. Cannot be swallowed, cannot be expelled.


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