Mind Block

The human mind is the most fascinating thing. Nobody can ever create or imitate this creation. So complex yet so amazing. It can multitask, it can process information at super speed, it can store memory up to unlimited capacity. But I often wonder, does it ever rest? Of course we sleep, but does the mind do so as well? Even while we are asleep the mind is at work. Aren't dreams a part of the sub conscious mind? I am very sure though that the mind does tire at times. Just like how an over used machine heats up, our mind does too. You can literally feel it, when you are over worked, exhausted or have too many things to handle at one time, you tend to lose cool and you can feel the heat getting to your brain!

Yoga, meditation and things like that help a lot to rejuvenate the mind. But then, every person has their own way of cajoling the mind to get back to it's normalcy. Some work out, some dance, some sing, some take off on a vacation, some just completely switch off.  For me, my mind has it's own way of telling me to relax. It just goes blank! It's refuses to work leaving me feeling like a person in a coma. You know that feeling, where you just can't relate to what's going on around you, you seem disillusioned and completely lost.

That's when I know I just have to stop for the moment. I need to try something else. Something less taxing, more refreshing. For instance, writing a blog at such times helps!!! It gets me thinking again and gets out the creative side in me. That's when I am the happiest. When I am being creative. So I guess you get the point- I have a mind block right now and and am trying to clear it out by just throwing up random thoughts that come to my mind. That should clear my mind of the congestion, for now and get me started again. After all I have work to do and it's Monday Morning, for God's sake!!!! Mind, if you are tired at the beginning of the week, how will you survive the rest of it???


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