Rain dear

Are moods seasonal? What I mean is, do they change as the season or the weather changes? I have observed that with me. When it's cloudy and gloomy outside I start feeling dull and sad as well. When it is sunny and hot, i get irritable and angry for no reason as well. When it's cold I get lethargic and feel numb as well. But strangely that doesn't work with the rains. No, I don't feel like crying when it rains!!! Infact the rain makes me feel strangely energetic, happy and also sometimes hopeful. I am yet to find the connection.Getting slightly wet in a delightful drizzle makes me feel refreshed. Watching a heavy down pour from behind the windows makes me feel gleeful like a small child. Of course, it's another thing being out there and getting soaked to the bone, especially if you are on the way home and have to wait under a tree or outside a shop for the rain to subside. But that's ok. For some reason I like watching the world around when it is raining. Cars ...